Winners of the Immersive Unity PICO VR Contest!
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Comet Explorer, a Virtual Reality simulator where the player makes experiments on a comet millions of light years away from Earth, has won the Immersive Unity PICO VR Contest.

The contest, organised by the makers of Pico VR glasses in collaboration with the company Immersive Unity, set the challenge of creating a space-themed Virtual Reality experience.

The simulator is the result of a collaboration between the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Innovae, and is an experience in which the player takes control of a spacecraft to “dive” on a comet and carry out educational experiments.

The IAA team formed by Dr. Maya García Comas and Dr. Luisa M. Lara developed and created the scientific aspect of the simulator, while the Innovae team, formed by Borja Etxegoena, Aritz Unzurrunzaga, Aitor Bastida, and Amaia Martín carried out the technical and visual aspects.

The simulator

It is a complete, highly interactive, and educational Virtual Reality experience that transports us to a comet orbiting millions of light years away from Earth.

Winners of the Immersive Unity PICO VR Contest!

There, the player performs different scientific experiments that explain how comets are formed, their internal structure, and fundamental data to understand how the solar system was formed.

Winners of the Immersive Unity PICO VR Contest!
Winners of the Immersive Unity PICO VR Contest!